Sunday, March 1, 2009

Life gets crazy!!!

There are so many times that I just want to have time to sit and keep everything up to date with our blog. It is hard with work, kids, and all the extra activities that we all have. I wanted to give you a little update on what is going on in our family.
Well for starters I got the paperwork that talks about Marissa getting registered for Jr. High! What already? Where did the time go. I am floored at how many things she really wants to do. Between Choir, Band, Volleyball I feel that my life will just get busier as they get older not slow down any. I am a little freaked of Jr. High but only because I know how I was in Jr. High! yikes boys and all the other activities my little girl is no longer little she is growning up.
And as for Wyatt he is staying busy with School, Choir, Scouts and just being dangerous. I am really surprised that the only broken bone he has had is his nose! He really loves to do jumps and tricks that scare me to death. He just got his Bear in Scouts and is so excited for Weeblos.
As for me I am just working, teaching a scrapbooking class once a month and trying to keep up with my kids. I have had a little stress as I have had a few more medical things pop up and hope that soon (Tuesday after my appt. with the specialist) I will get good news. But we will see. I have to say I am thankful for trials but hope that this bump in the road will fair well and I can relax with what he tells me! Just another bump in the road of life, I am just glad that I chose an SUV to get through those bumps!
Alton is doing good I will have to post pictures soon as we had a crazy thought and acted on it. We decided to shave his head the other day. He has such thick hair I never thought I would see him bald but heck He is still so hot!!! I just love him to death and appreciate that he works so hard for our family. Well until next time This is our update and I will add some great pictures soon!


Cami said...

Good to know you guys are hanging in over there!

We send our best!

Jessica said...

Sarah, I just happened to stumble onto your blog through someone else's! You're family is so adorable and just flying through the year already. I wish you the best with your temporary trials!