Friday, September 4, 2009

First day of school

Well Marissa started Jr. High this year and boy was it weird! Not only did I feel OLD but I also felt like it was very interesting that the time has gone by so fast. She was a little nervous that she wouldn't be able to open her locker, or that she would get lost but they have the first day for only the seventh graders so they can locate all their classes and she is now a pro at it. She was so excited to dress up and have her hair cut for school it was a fun process getting her ready.

Wyatt is starting fifth grade and has Mr. Drummond. He is really excited to start school and this year should be really fun. He has a great teacher and looks forward to all the fun activities that fifth grade brings. It is amazing to me to see how much wyatt is growning up. Before I know it he will be at the Jr High and I will really feel OLD!


Crystal said...

Wow! Wyatt looks so old. Thanks for letting me do Marissa's new hair cut. It was fun...sorry about the dead chicken though. Hope it didn't traumatize Marissa tooo much!

Daniel & Shandi said...

You are alive!! It's been such a long time since I've seen a post from you! How have you been? Your family is so cute. They are growing up fast. When we went to Lake Powell together they were still tiny!!